Who We Are
Purpose and Aims
To act as the representative of all full-time and part-time members of the academic and instructional staff of Brandon University, including sessional instructors and laboratory instructors, cartographers, counselors, professional librarians, continuing education specialists, and all other staff within the bargaining unit(s) represented by BUFA for purposes which include:
a) the regulation of relations between the administration of Brandon University or its designate and the Association;
b) all matters affecting the terms and conditions of employment of the members of the bargaining unit represented by the Association, including provisions respecting rates of pay and hours of work; and
c) acting as the exclusive bargaining agent on behalf of the members of the Association with the administration of Brandon University or its designate for the purpose of negotiating a collective bargaining agreement within the meaning of the Labour Relations Act of Manitoba.
To help maintain academic freedom and to encourage participation in academic life.
To deal with matters of academic concern to members of the Association.
To promote the social, economic and general welfare of members of the Association.
To do all such things as are necessary or incidental to the attainment of the above purposes and aims.
Faculty Association Staff
Shari Maguire, Member Services Director
Your Executive
Gautam Srivastava, President
Lisa Robson, VP Bargaining and Grievance
Ariane Hanemaayer, VP Equity
Vacant, Past President
Rachel Herron, Secretary
David Taylor, Treasurer
David Winter, Arts
Eric Bushnell, Science
Candy Jones, Education
Eric Platz, Music
Vacant, IA
Doug Pople, AA/PA
Vacant, Health Studies
Nora Wilson, ED groups
Jason Young, Indigenous
Lisa Wood, SWRC
Wendy Lynch, Winnipeg site
Joni Driscoll, Contract Academic Staff
David Winter, Arts
Eric Bushnell, Science
Candy Jones, Education
Eric Platz, Music
Vacant, IA
Doug Pople, AA/PA
Vacant, Health Studies
Nora Wilson, ED groups
Jason Young, Indigenous
Lisa Wood, SWRC
Wendy Lynch, Winnipeg site
Joni Driscoll, Contract Academic Staff